Nov 03

Valve’s “Portal” has opened a whole new…..Portal….. into the world of gaming. What made the original Half-Life such a great game was that you had to use your head, it was not a button masher. The last versions (HL2, Episode 1&2) put their focus into visuals effect, lighting, physics. All of which create a great gaming environment, but the addition of the portal gun just makes things really fun.

The premise of the game is that you are a test subject evaluating the portal gun through 18 test chambers, all the while being promised cake at the end…. The idea is to shoot 2 portals, one to walk in, and one to walk out. Check out this video explaining the concept.

This new machanism creates a dynamic that makes game play very engrossing. Even though some levels left me wanting to tear my hair out, I really enjoyed the game. I would like to see this incorporated into the Half-life series. Some people have found a way to “hack” the gun into Half-life 2, but my attempt was unsuccessful.

6 Responses to “The cake is a lie!”

  1. Paul KenjoraNo Gravatar Says:

    This is the awesomest game I have played in a long time. Cant wait for it to come out on the Wii.

  2. QuadstrikeNo Gravatar Says:

    wii and first person shooters don’t really go very well (yes i have a wii)

  3. CJNo Gravatar Says:

    Well, for 1. I think very highly of adding a Portal game for the Wii. The simplicity of Portal placing combined with the motion sensors will provide a flexible way to play Portal.

  4. ChrisNo Gravatar Says:

    Portal on Wii? Never heard of it, but if it actually does make it, I will be the first one in the world to buy it!!! Lol not really but I would want it badly.

  5. ChrisNo Gravatar Says:

    Wait a sec I just checked the dates for the previous comments and… wow.

  6. TristanNo Gravatar Says:

    I have never played portal, but it looks fun. But for Wii? DEFINITLY!!!!!!

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