With all these now expansions coming out, I think Blizzard is only going to shoot them selves in the foot. For an existing user, who has a main and a couple of alts, has the bar being raised again and again. With the new expansion Wrath you can now level to 80. I cant imagine this would be very enticing for a new user. First you buy the game $39.99 then the Burning Crusade expansion $39.99 and now Wrath (most likely) $39.99 = $120. And I cant imagine what the “/played” time would be. The best grinders can do 1-60 in 6 days of playtime. I have lost total motivation to take my main past my current lvl @ 66. 🙁 It would be interesting to see the new/current subscribers info.. I would be willing to wager that there is a decline.
If you have upgraded to WM6 on your dash you might have noticed, when you view video fullscreen, the video is turned 90 degrees (viewing a landscape video on you landscape screen in portrait)… OK WHY?
Well heres a fix:
- Open your favorite registry editor
- Add a new Key called “Rotation” under:
- HKLM\System\GDI i.e.(HKLM\System\GDI\Rotaion)
- Then add this Dword “LandscapeMode” and set the value to “0 ” (zero)
Thats it your video will play just fine
I knew it was going to happen one of these days.
I was actually surprised how easily the I got through to Xbox tech support. From the time I picked up the phone to when they were sending me a shipping box was about 22 minutes for the hole call…. now just for the 4-6 weeks part 🙁
- Hold a watch with 12 o’clock at left.
- Move your arm so the hour hand points at the sun.
- The spot halfway between the hour hand and the 12 is south.
Well if you live in Arizona or Indiana, and you own a T-mobile Dash. You might just be having some time zone issues.
But thanks to the guys over at Howard Forums, there’s a nice little hack to fix your problems.
– First install this APP Unlock tool
– Reboot phone (important)
– Then install this registry editor
-Reboot phone
– In registry app, navigate to :
Set the value to 0 “zero” (0=Turnoff reset 1=Turnon reset)
Thats it! – be warned! “Altering you registry may void your warranty”
This is what will happen:
Thanks Patrick and Robert for the shot out!
UPDATE: It got Dugg 🙂 over 3000
 UPDATE: April 24, 2007: It has dried up completely (thank the HD gods) and there is only a slight haze that it only visible when a solid white, blue or yellow screen is displayed.