Apple recently released the newest operating system for the iphone and itouch. This is a guide to installing, jailbreaking and software unlocking the phone for the use on “unsupported carriers” like T-mobile:
First download and install the newest version of Itunes (8.2)
Next plug in your iPhone, and update your iPhone to 3.0. If you have an unsupported carrier like Tmobile, at this point your phone will lock up and itunes will tell you that your phone can not be activated… that’s ok.
Next download Redsn0w (the o in snow is a zero)
Download the 3.0 .ipsw (firmware) for your respective phone, be sure to get the 3G version if you have a 3G. You can get it here:
If you have an iPhone 2G you will need in addition 2 bootloader files (3.9 and 4.6). You can get it here:
Next launch redsn0w.exe
- click browse and locate your .ipsw file, next
- Select to install Cydia, Icy (if you wish), and if you have a iPhone 2G you will have an option to “unlock” (you will need to select this if you plan on using an unsupported carrier like Tmobile)
- This step if for iPhone 2G only and if you selected unlock : browse for the two boot loaders you download before
- You will now be presented to prepscreen for the jailbreaking method. It is IMPERATIVE you start this step with the phone OFF. After you click next on this screen you will be presented with instructions for puting your phone into DFU mode, by hitting a sequence of buttons. The instructions will look something like this:
- Hold the power button for 3 seconds
- Without releasing the power button, also hold the home button for 10 seconds
- Without releasing the home button, release the power button BUT KEEP holding the home button for 30 seconds (FYI you will not make it the full 30 seconds before the program ends and your phone will go into the cracking process. If you messed up power cycle the phone off and start again.
Your phone will display something like this during the jail breaking process:
Your phone is now jailbroken and the 2G phones will be unlocked for unsupported carriers!
First turn on WIFI and make sure you have an internet connection.
Next open Cydia (it will probably want to update and resart)
- Select “Manage”
- Select “Sources”
- Select “edit”
- Select “add”
- Enter URL “” (the o in snow is a zero)
Now search for “ultrasn0w” again with a zero
Install Ultrasn0w
Restart the phone
Congrats, you now have a software unlocked iPhone 3G!
NOTE: My iPhone 3G did not like the upgrade to 3.0, i was having stability issues. If you experience the same, restore the phone in itunes and repeat the process
July 13th, 2009 at 8:50 am
Thanks a lot, it works man…