Nov 04

The power toys were very usefull for XP users, but the virtual drive power toy to mount your .iso files is not supported (yet) in Vista. I found a great alternative in the mean time Slysoft’s “Virtual CloneDrive”


7 Responses to “Vista Virtual Drive”

  1. TenkaNo Gravatar Says:

    Um, if you’re referring to Virtual CloneDrive, it doesn’t seem to work on Vista. The system requirements don’t mention it, and it wouldn’t let me install. I might have misunderstood what you meant though.

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar Says:

    I don’t know what issues your having, it works fine for me in Vista.

  3. TastioNo Gravatar Says:

    Works fine for me too.

  4. DushNo Gravatar Says:

    could u guys mention the version of vista u guys are using cuz m also havin problem with it..

  5. ChrisNo Gravatar Says:

    I use home and ultimate, what problems do you seem to be having?

  6. AndyNo Gravatar Says:

    I use ultimate and it didn’t work.
    It installed without errors, but would not start up, even after restart.

  7. DewaNo Gravatar Says:

    I installed Virtual Clone Drive, but it did not work! Anything else…
    I do no know…I want install The Sims 2. It is a game..a great game…and it is very expensive…. What can i do???? Please, answer to my question!

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